Posts Tagged 'clutter'

What are you tolerating?

For many of us, we have unconsciously started tolerating things that really create bits and pieces of disharmony in our lives. From a faucet that does not work correctly, to a messydeskstack of unfiled papers that never seems to get put away.

Tolerations bog down our brain and take up creative space. Look around you, what are you tolerating?

Are you tolerating a messy desk, an unorganized filing system, years of clutter? These little things start to weigh on us without our conscious awareness. Make a list of the top ten tolerations in your life, from the gate that needs to be fixed, to the noise in your car, from getting a successful organizing system in place for your office, and finally having a space for everything.

These little things can add up to make BIG differences in our daily life. Take a toleration challenge and commit to getting rid of at least one toleration each week – big or small.

For me, I have trouble with papers, clutter, and not staying on top of organization. If I had it my way, I’d remove all sight of any paperwork and keep everything neatly organized and put away. That’s my toleration challenge – eliminating all visual clutter.

So what’s your biggest wish? What would you like to stop tolerating? I’d love to hear.

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