Five Surefire Signs You Need a Mentor

One of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs and business owners make in growing their business is doing everything on their own. Whether they think they cannot afford it or don’t see the value in it – a mentor is a faster and more effective way to grow your business – with a lot less effort too!

A mentor is someone who can see the blind spots in your business, the loopholes in your mindset, and the hidden treasures that await you. It’s surprising to me that so many individuals put off getting help from an outside source until they are at a breaking point.

But here are five surefire signs you need a mentor. If you find you fit into one or more of these categories, reach out to someone to start moving forward – faster today.

1. You’ve capped your income – you’ve stayed at the same income level for six months or more and haven’t seen a way to earn more without trading more dollars for hours.

2. You’re business isn’t growing or moving forward (or it’s happening at a snail’s pace) –  in addition to finances, this could mean that you aren’t been seen or noticed in your industry, that you haven’t made a significant jump from the year before, or that you’re stuck offering and doing the same thing without any improvements

3. You feel burned-out, overwhelmed, or are spinning your wheels.

4. You are lacking in knowledge or know-how on ways to get your business out there, grow, expand, or earn more money.

5. The things you are offering are no longer working as they once were.

You can find yourself needing support in one or all of these areas, the important thing to note is that you can move faster and with more ease if you hire a mentor or a coach to help you get there. A mentor provides accountability, encouragement, support, and a direct push into your un-comfort zone, where the exact place resides for you to grow in all ways.

The Seven Symphonies

I would like to introduce you to my good friend Kaushal Aras whose latest book is making a global difference with it’s message of Love and World Peace.

This book is an access to a paradigm shift on how we love that can fundamentally transform every relationship that we know.  Here’s what readers have been saying about the book:

All living matter is composed of vibration. The fundamental energy in this vibration is love. Kaushal has captured the essence of this knowledge in his beautiful book The Seven Symphonies of Extraordinary Love. He lays out a meaningful blueprint and shows us how simple it is to live in the integrity of mind/body/spirit which is the foundation for true world peace.

~ Arthur Samuel Joseph,
Founder and Chairman of the Vocal Awareness Institute and best selling author

“The Seven Symphonies is a beautiful testament to all the facets and wonders
of worldly and spiritual love.”

~ Arielle Ford, The Soulmate Secret

The Secret – behind the 300 million who have viewed the Secret is the privilege I’ve had to coach most of the Stars of the Secret. What I discovered is that they and everyone else is looking not for wealth power influence and money. The Secret is that everyone is seeking and searching for LOVE. Not everyday garden variety love but EXTRAORDINARY love and finally there is a PRIORITY read for every Chicken Soup reader, every Men are from Mars reader, just every single one of us who must locate our own EXTRAORDINARY LOVE.

~ Bj Dohrmann Chairman, CEO SPACE

As my special gift to you, please find below access to download a Free copy of the book at:

Kaushal is also conducting a Free Preview Call on April 19th to discuss the key distinctions from the book.  Please see below

  • How can you contribute to improving world peace starting with you?
  • The three paradigms of Worldly Love and its limitations
  • The New Paradigm of Extraordinary Love and it’s benefits
  • Kaushal’ favorite distinction to re-ignite love and connection in your existing relationships
  • How to embody love, now, later, forever — and create love all around you no matter what happens

And much, much more …

Sign Up for your Free Call here:

FREE Online Training: RSVP Required

Do you always feel you have more to do than you have time to do it?

Do you feel like you’re not making as much money as you’d like to?

Do you ever stop to think how this is affecting your bottom line?

Time is the new currency – not money.  Think about it.

If we had more time to complete everything that we’re currently doing, just imagine what we could accomplish!

Want to know more?

Then join my friend and colleague, Jeneth Blackert, on a very special FREE training call…


“7 Leverage & Conversion Secrets for Online Business Owners”
A FREE virtual teleseminar for business owners with Jeneth Blackert
April 15th 2010 at 9 p.m. Eastern (8 p.m. Central, 7 p.m. Mountain, 6 p.m. Pacific)


Join Jeneth for this FREE training and discover:

* The #1 thing you need to focus on to be able to consistently attract the business you want online.  (greater cause)

* 3 simple things you can do to increase your exposure to your prospects without investing a dime.
(events, joint ventures and cross promotion) (leveraging numbers)

* How to become irresistible so your prospects want to say Y-E-S.  (quality & service process)

* Discovering your BIG dragons and what to do to get them out of your way.

* Jeneth’s #1 strategy that exploded her list size and business finances.  (In fact, two of her clients have used this exact method and added more than $200k to their businesses – and that’s just the front end sales.)

If you are an entrepreneur and ready to build your dream empire — this is a must-attend free teleseminar!  ***Seats are limited.  Go here now***

“See” you there!

Andrea M Costantine

P.S. I do want you to know that I am an affiliate of Jeneth’s and I highly recommend her work. She’s an amazing coach and person and she’ll blow you away on this FREE call.

Create Your Own Information Products to Leverage Your Time & Reach More People

When I first got into the world of coaching I was amazed at the number of products that others had created and what an incredible tool it was to reach more people and leverage your time. Personally, I’ve invested thousands, and I mean thousands in information products. (I have a whole cabinet full!) They are great resources to have and I go back to these over and over again to continue learning from them. I find that I’m always in a different place and learn something new no matter how many times I’ve heard it. I’m always investing in new information products and rotating through the old ones in my car.

Information products contain a lot of valuable information and generally they are less expensive than working with the coach or individual one-on-one. For the consumer it’s a great value, and for the producer it’s a great use of time and energy.

Creating your own information products should be relatively simple. All you really need is good content, an audio recording device (or video), and a fulfillment house to take care of shipping the orders out to your clients.

The problem I see is that many people turn this into a complicated process. They go back and forth on what type of information they want to share, or if they even have enough information to share. Ironically I used to think I couldn’t talk for an hour, now I could go on and on. Each of us has unlimited knowledge within us and could quickly produce a product of the top tips in your industry.

The key to producing a successful information product is to create products around topics that people want and are interested in. Having great information on an outdated topic isn’t going to produce sales, nor help you leverage your time. If needed, choose five topics and poll your network on what they’d like to see next from you.

Whatever you do, don’t delay taking advantage of this type of leverage in your business. Information products are a great way to share your expertise, help you reach more people, and get you working less while still serving more people.

To find out about the products I have created visit

Friday Featured Client Spotlight – Sabrina Risley

When I first met Sabrina Risley I knew right away that she was someone who was serious about her business and where she wanted to go with it.  Sabrina is a determined, committed, and gifted entrepreneur who knows how to skillfully connect others and lead them to more business growth.

Her company, Behind The Moon Inc., is approaching its sixth year and each year it grows more exponentially hosting more networking events, bigger crowds at each event and by supporting others with resources to help one another.

Her business motto: “Grow your business by helping others grow theirs” – Sabrina is a true example of this belief. She’s a connector, a go-giver, and has a true service-mindset.

She’s passionate about her network and helping others succeed. A natural mentor, a speaker, and an entrepreneur, Sabrina brings heart and soul to the business world of networking.

Behind the Moon social networking events now cover over 13 locations throughout the Denver Metro area, along with referral groups spread out through the Front Range. Additionally, Behind the Moon offers classes, seminars, and workshops to support its members and the community.  Be sure to check out what Sabrina is up to at and visit one of her many local events.

Seriously: How bad do you really want it?

The other day I had a sad realization when I heard about someone’s yet again failures and heart break in their business. My first reaction was guilt. Guilt for not having a hard time, guilt for bringing in more money than this person, and guilt that I am no longer struggling.

Then the second thought that came to me was to help and rescue this person, spout out all the things that they could do differently, and what I can suggest to help them grow. But then I stopped myself and had the sinking realization that sometimes I want success for my clients more than they want it for themselves.

Sadly, I kept my mouth closed as I processed this feeling o f realizing that I wanted success more for them than maybe they wanted it for themselves. I held back in spouting all the ways they could market themselves, turn within for divine guidance, trust in the principles of prosperity, and drop the lack mentality.  Feeling guilt come again for not giving them a laundry list of things to do, the same things I’ve repeated to them over and over again.

But that’s my point – you see sometimes we do want success for others more than they actually want it for themselves and it’s at this very point that you can no longer do or so anything to make a difference for them. They must first get to the place of really, really, really wanting something. Wanting it so badly in their lives that their willing to do whatever it takes and I do mean whatever it takes to gain that success, to get those clients, to create endless wealth, and multiple streams of income or whatever it may be. But until then, they will continue to get the same results.

So I ask YOU, and I’m serious, how bad do you really want it?

There are three things that show that you do: decision, commitment, and (uncomfortable) action.

First, you’ve got to make a decision that you want it and that you’ll achieve it. This means you are clear about what you desire, what level of success that you want, how much money you want to earn, and what you want to contribute to this world and then you throw out any of the Plan B’s, C’s or D’s.  Instead of saying “I want success” you move into “I am success” and you start acting like it. A decision means believing you can do it and stopping at nothing until you achieve it.

Second, you’ve got to be 150% committed. I wouldn’t even say 100% is good enough in the entrepreneurial game. Commitment consists of both a mental attitude and a physical willingness to do what it takes. Without commitment you are likely to hold back in your marketing, hold off on launching  a product or service that will bring you more profit, waffle in your belief in yourself or let a bad week or month take you down.

Lastly, you’ve got to take relentless uncomfortable and purposeful action. We can all keep ourselves busy eight-to-ten hours a day doing pointless work, administrative tasks, or other things that maybe don’t even need to be done. But if you really really want what you say you want you must take uncomfortable and purposeful action on a daily, if not HOURLY basis.

What you focus on – expands. If you are only focusing on the small menial tasks in your business, that’s all you’ll have. If all you focus on is growth, expansion, and bringing in more profit and money – then that’s what you’ll get too.  (These are always the uncomfortable and purposeful action steps).

This is your wake up call. It’s time. You can do this. You can create the life you’ve dreamed of, but not if you don’t really really want it.  Drop the excuses, show the Universe you are serious, get out of your head, get out of your way and get into the un-comfort zone and grow, grow, grow!

Friday Featured Client Spotlight – Kris Jordan, Garvin Sewer Service

A smile that sparkles and a soul that shines; Kris Jordan is all heart and soul in her family business. Garvin Sewer Service is celebrating their 70th anniversary this summer – the #1 plumbing and drain cleaning service in the Denver area, they care about their customers and have endless stories of saving them hundreds or thousands of dollars on unnecessary plumbing fixes or solution.

Kris serves as head of the Sales and Marketing department and has a great vision of service, passion, and plumbing. It’s hard to find someone who cares so deeply about their customers that she rarely meets face to face, but Kris does and it shows. She’s passionate about helping people save money and find reasonable solutions to otherwise big problems.

She’s the type of person who can light up a room, make everyone laugh, and rally up the troops. She once told me “we’re number one in the number two business.”  Her humor and passion shine through in everything that she does.

Personally, she’s devoted to helping children in need, loves volunteer work, and getting her hands on anything creative. She’s a fantastic writer and a talented woman overall.

Currently, she’s been planning the 70th anniversary celebration open house on Thursday, June 3rd.

To find out  more about Kris Jordan and Garvin Sewer Service visit here and by the way “they clean drains, not bank accounts.”

Great Upcoming Events to Check Out!

Great Upcoming Events to Check Out!

I just couldn’t help but to let you know about some upcoming events that you should check out – both virtually and around Denver.

Monday, April 5th – Guest on Hailey Wiseman’s Blog Talk Radio show – I’ll be talking about Spiritual Art of Business Success at 2pm MST  Hear more about the soulful perspective on business and marketing that can change your business

Tuesday, April 6th – FREE call and interview with George Carroll on my personal journey on Fear to Freedom – 2pm MST This is a must for anyone who is wanting to do big things with their life and business!

Saturday, April 17th – The Infinity Experience in Denver – an incredible jam-packed day of being in the infinite – over $5000 in bonuses, various workshops, social gatherings, family fun and more. Register here at

Tuesday, April 20th – The Soulful Marketing Circle – a monthly group for conscious entrepreneurs to share ideas, get support, and discover new marketing strategies to grow their business

Simple Tips for Increasing Your Blog Readership

First of all, the best kept blog in your industry isn’t going to serve you very well. The majority of time I see people make a few common mistakes with their blog. First, they don’t let people know about it – it’s hidden on their website, not connected to their site, or they just plan don’t mention it. Second, they don’t have an RSS reader and third, they aren’t consistent.

Here are a few simple tips on increasing your blog readership:

1.  Post your blog everywhere! Add your blog to blog directories, have it feed into Networked Blogs in Facebook, add it to your Linked In profile, put a link to it in your signature line in your email.

2. Drive traffic there with each new posts. Every time you post you should post about it on your different social networks and drive traffic back to it.

3. Add an RSS reader to your site and make it VERY visible and easy for people to subscribe to your blog – that way they get notified every time you have a new posting.

4. Grab traffic by posting on other people’s blogs with interesting comments.

5. Create a blogging circle with a few other colleagues that blog and comment on their posts and “Digg or Stumble Upon” it to get outside traffic. (These sites let you rate the posts)

6. Post interesting content on a regular and consistent basis. Whether once a week or every day, the key is consistency.

7. Engage your readers, ask your readers to comment on your blog and participate in the conversation.

8. Poll your readers and write content based on their questions.

9. Propose to be a guest blogger on someone else’s blog.

A blogging expert I highly recommend is Michelle Salater and her team at Written By Sumer

Friday Featured Client Spotlight – Lizzy Driscoll, Live Well International

“Passionate, compassionate, and energetic” – these are just three of the words I’d use to describe Lizzy Driscoll of Live Well International.  With a heart of gold, and a path of service, Lizzy finds her place by helping others live healthier lives on a cellular level – both physically and emotionally.

Lizzy and I first crossed paths about seven months ago and I recently decided to take her up on her 5 day reset challenge – to jumpstart a spring weight loss plan, cut out the carbs, get more energy and increase my sleep. Lizzy was unbelievably supportive throughout the process offering me tips on well-being and self-care to make it through the process.

Her passion for her work, her compassion for others to achieve what they desire, and her uncanny ability to create the space for people make Lizzy an incredible choice for emotional and physical healing.

She holds five week health challenges, jam-packed with nutrition, support, and information, along with offering a wide variety of supplements and foods for weight-loss. Additionally, she is now offering a complete emotional healing experience to ensure your success with your goals.  Here what others have said about Lizzy:

The Bootcamp was awesome!  Lizzy is a great coach!  I absolutely love the way she and Ben Kroger, my NEW personal trainer, have come together to design a program that worked for me!  I really liked that there were several others in the program, who made it even more fun and helped increase my commitment and focus.  The Bootcamp, with the help of the USANA supplements, was not only reasonably priced, but also helped me improve my physical health and as a bonus lose some unwanted pounds!  I cannot believe it… I’ve lost my cravings while on the program, and can now say this allows ME to be more in control of ME!

Carol Griffin

Griffin Financial Services

Financial Advisor

Whether you have a goal to lose weight, increase your energy, or improve your overall wellness – contact Lizzy Driscoll at