Posts Tagged 'marketing'

Friday Featured Client Spotlight – Kris Jordan, Garvin Sewer Service

A smile that sparkles and a soul that shines; Kris Jordan is all heart and soul in her family business. Garvin Sewer Service is celebrating their 70th anniversary this summer – the #1 plumbing and drain cleaning service in the Denver area, they care about their customers and have endless stories of saving them hundreds or thousands of dollars on unnecessary plumbing fixes or solution.

Kris serves as head of the Sales and Marketing department and has a great vision of service, passion, and plumbing. It’s hard to find someone who cares so deeply about their customers that she rarely meets face to face, but Kris does and it shows. She’s passionate about helping people save money and find reasonable solutions to otherwise big problems.

She’s the type of person who can light up a room, make everyone laugh, and rally up the troops. She once told me “we’re number one in the number two business.”  Her humor and passion shine through in everything that she does.

Personally, she’s devoted to helping children in need, loves volunteer work, and getting her hands on anything creative. She’s a fantastic writer and a talented woman overall.

Currently, she’s been planning the 70th anniversary celebration open house on Thursday, June 3rd.

To find out  more about Kris Jordan and Garvin Sewer Service visit here and by the way “they clean drains, not bank accounts.”

How much marketing is too much? When do you become annoying?

Well, that depends and there’s a few things you should consider. Statistics show that people need to hear a message anywhere from 9 to 29 times before they actually make a decision and decide to move forward. So, when marketing a particular product, service, or program has your target market seen your message that many times? Generally they don’t.

Ironically, since we are doing the marketing we feel that we are being annoying and sharing it too much, sending out too many emails, and overdoing it but in all honesty we are all busy with our lives and we don’t actually see or hear every message that comes across. Think about this, do you read every email in every detail that you get? Probably not.

I’ve had good friends who were marketing a product or program and I didn’t even know, I somehow missed their messages, invites, and updates about it. Why? Because I’m not always looking and something really has to grab my attention before I pay attention, plus, we are busy we may actually see it but within a matter of seconds we forget. This isn’t intentional or saying what you are offering isn’t important, it’s more that we just have too many things going on in that brain of ours.

There is a point when it’s too much, usually it’s too much from someone who you’d probably never do business with or don’t need what they offer. But when someone we really like and has a service that we are interested in, it’s generally not annoying. I find that when people get annoyed they probably never would have done business with you anyway.

More often than not people are marketing too little and not too much. I rarely find that someone is overdoing it in their marketing, trust me I could probably tell you to double what you are doing and you still wouldn’t be annoying to your loyal and true fans that are just waiting for you to offer something juicy and delicious so they can sign up for it, but then again you’ve got to get it in front of their radar.

Marketing on a Tight Budget (Or without one at all)

If you’ve wondered how to effectively market your business when you don’t have a tight budget, or maybe even no budget at all – do not fear. There are plenty of ways to market your businesses without paying a dollar. And there are plenty more ways that will just cost a couple of dollars!                                                                                         

Now, where to focus your low-marketing budget efforts when this is the case. Well, you’ll hate this answer but it’s entirely up to you. Whenever you have a low budget or a low amount of time, you’ll need to assess where you are the most effective and what works for you and your business. If you don’t know what’s effective you won’t know where to spend your time. (If you need more help with this part of the process, I highly recommend my downloadable workshop, Design Your Effective, Step-by Step Marketing Plan – ) When you do know what’s effective, then here is where you need to focus your efforts.

Just to name a few free ways of marketing – there is social networking, blogs, forums and online communities, writing articles for online publications such as, speaking at local groups or networking events, joint ventures, press releases and other pr strategies, and remark-ability marketing or what I can sensational service and word of mouth.

A few of the low costs marketing strategies include electronic newsletters, networking (some of these are free too), leads or referral groups, business cards, brochures, flyers, free introductory events, and ads in smaller localized publications.

The strategies are endless, I suggest you pick a few to start off with and then tweak as you go along and figure out what works for you. If you’d like to know more on this exact topic and you live in Denver, check out this VERY low cost marketing workshop I’m doing with Conscious360 University.

I’d also love to hear what strategies you are implementing that are free or low cost and that are working for you!

Is Your Marketing Hurting Your Business

Are you struggling to find a consistent marketing plan that feeds your spirit and authentically expresses who you are? I know the feeling; marketing is often the hardest part of our businesses but yet the most critical. 

I’m writing to let you know about a FREE call I am hosting on Tuesday, February 9th on Powerful, Authentic, & Easy Strategies to Put More Soul Into Your Marketing, So You Can Serve More, Profit More, and Be More!” 

In this free call I’ll share with you some of the major shifts in turning points that dramatically changed my marketing and increased my results. With only a few simple changes in both mindset and perspective I quickly began to grow my business and it happened rapidly.

I believe you can do the same thing, and I’m super excited to share with you these powerful, authentic and easy strategies to get you started.

Join me on Tuesday, February 9th at 4pm EST, 2pm MST, 1pm PST for a free call that will change the way you market your business.

Register and find out more details here at

Social Networking Tips & Strategies for the Entrepreneur

When I recently surveyed my subscribers I was flooded with questions regarding social media, everything from how to make it effective, how much time to spend on it, and tips to automate. Here are a few tips and strategies that will help you your social media marketing efforts become more effective.

Can I link my Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In account? Yes, you can! You can link all of these accounts together, there are a few ways to do this. One of the easiest (and it’s also free too!) is – it’s very easy to add all of your networks and then post in one place. This allows you to schedule and automate your status updates. The second free option is another tool I use daily. This doesn’t allow you to schedule your posts but you can see what’s happening in Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In all at the same time.

How often should you promote your upcoming events on social media and where? Personally, I post my events to all of the sites that I use: Facebook, Linked In, and Meetup. I also put them on my website. I generally start promoting them (lowers cost events) about a month in advance and remind people weekly at first, and then as we get closer to the event every couple of days, and finally every day for the last few days leading up to it.

What is a post of value on social networking sites? I encourage clients to use the 80/20 rule. 80% sharing information, resources, and inspirational messages or personal content and 20% marketing your services and your offers. What’s of value? Well, that’s for you to decide. The #1 rule is to keep your content related to your target market. Don’t try to talk to everyone, instead focus on the key people and share what they’d be most interested in. Me for example, I wouldn’t post information on being an employee, getting a job, or interviews because it’s not my target (soul) market.

How do I put together an effective social media strategy?  First, you need to know who you are marketing to – who is your target market? Too general of a target market makes for tough social media marketing. Second, create a plan and stick to it. Consistency is key here. Commit to 20 or 30 minutes a day and instead of just window shopping join in the conversation and engage your contacts.

How do I offer products and services in social media without sounding like an ad?  Well, if you follow the 80/20 rule above and you aren’t selling all the time, it’s okay to offer your services. A few tips though, in Facebook don’t sell to someone in your friend invite and don’t immediately sell to someone who you just friended.  In twitter, don’t use an auto DM to sell to new followers.

Evaluating social media – is it working? Here’s the thing, social media works – however, I don’t believe it’s an overnight cure to your marketing problems. It won’t bring you a flood of new customers overnight and it won’t fill your pipeline in 30 days. The key is consistency, it took me about 7-8 months of consistent social media marketing to start seeing a return on my investment. You have to build trust, and sometimes it takes a little longer in social media. Now that people know, like and trust me I have an easier time being successful in my social media marketing, but I caution – this isn’t an overnight fix. Give it time, it’ll work if done effectively!

I’d love to know what other questions you or what comments you want to share about these tips. And if you like this post, don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS feed.

Why a Prosperity Mindset is Essential for Your Business

Owning a business means that we take on many roles from the marketer, web developer, admin assistant, etc., but the one essential role that we must adopt in order to succeed in our business is the role of developing a prosperity mindset.

Have you ever met the entrepreneur who was once extremely passionate about the work they were doing, but somewhere down the road they had too many failures and now have trouble believing that they can be successful, that they can make money in their business, and can really thrive.

This mindset is detrimental to the entrepreneur for many reasons.

First, it actually repels clients and new business. Individuals with a poor prosperity mindset tend to have a negative undertone to what they are doing, perhaps they’ve even lost belief in their ability to create. Positive, prosperity focused individuals on the other hand completely exude confidence because they aren’t worried about getting clients to pay their bills.

Second, it takes away the “neediness” in your marketing. Freeing up the energy around needing clients allows you to actually be of service to others, trusting in the principles of prosperity and knowing that money comes from God but through people. This allows you to disconnect from needing clients, but creates room for more expansion because you are trusting in a higher source.

Third, it helps you followed inspired action instead of self-initiated plans. Having trust in an abundant Universe means that you won’t feel the need to put stuff out there that wasn’t truly an inspired action because you know that there is plenty for all of us. Inspired action leads us to what truly brings in results, and when you can clear the energy around a scarcity mindset this will completely open the door to abundance.

I’ve had trouble in this area myself, but over the past year I’ve learned to work on my mindset of prosperity knowing that it is just as essential as knowing how to market my business, and do all of the other roles, if not more important. Just recently I realized that I was being tapped to help people with this as well, seeing how intimately it ties into the success of your business. That’s why I developed the Prosperity Circle, a supportive group of like-minded people who are committed to increasing their consciousness and the consciousness of those around them to adapt a greater mindset of abundance in all areas of their life. I highly encourage you to check out the details of this program today, and join me on this incredible journey into prosperity!

Are you willing to leap?

I’ve been getting some questions from people who are interested in attending the Soulful Marketing Experience and they want to know more specifically what will happen for them when theyleap-of-faith attend this event.

It’s a great question and I want to share with you what will happen for you…it’s just a few weeks away and I’m gearing up for an incredible event, powerful transformations, and some major breakthroughs.

Here’s what will happen for those of you who attend this event:

*You’ll find the courage and confidence to market yourself in bold new ways that will feel authentic, easy, and fun.

*You will understand who your ideal client is and how to get into their head and heart so your marketing will become more effective – lessening the time between meeting someone and having them make a decision to become a client.

* You will have a clear plan of action on how to move forward in the most powerful way, saving you time and money on marketing in the wrong places and to the wrong people.

*Fully understand your potential and the possibilities that live within you, have more empowering beliefs and thoughts to help you move through any fear, negative behaviors, and into right and inspired action.

*Discover how what you offer is remarkable, unique, and different from other people in your industry and how you can tap into your creative power to truly set yourself a part.

*What your clients REALLY want and how you can give it to them on a silver platter, having them eating out of the palm of your hand, and referring endless clients to you.

*Loose the fear that is holding you back, get the support to move forward, and find the power to boldly claim the success that you crave.

*How to make your business so remarkable, memorable, and “buzz-worthy” that your marketing gets simplified.

*Choosing a niche that will make you RICH and why specialist make more than generalist and how you can tap into your specific market.

*How to use whole person marketing so you can always feel fulfilled in your business, preventing you from burnout, exhaustion, and dissatisfaction.

*The secret to getting raving fans, repeat clients and an army of people sharing what you do, so you don’t have to.

*Plus you’ll make incredible connections with other serious business owners and have the opportunity to network and share what you do.

* And the time to turn within through yoga, meditation, and more and find your true authentic path to soulful synchronicity.

Most importantly this isn’t a two day lecture series. This is a workshop where you will do the work, get feedback and support and create a clear plan of action so when you return back to your business you know exactly what steps to take moving forward.

If you are serious about making your business a success in 2010 than now is the time to start. Don’t let fear hold you back. Be bold and courageous and trust that when you make a decision out of faith that the Universe will take care of you. power

If you continue to make decisions based on fear, you will never see the opportunities that are in front of you. Faith, trust, and belief are essential components for tapping into the success that is waiting for you.

If you are feeling called to be at the Soulful Marketing Experience than make a commitment to yourself and show the Universe you are serious and willing to do what it takes.

Remember, if you always do what you have always done – you will always get what you’ve always gotten.

There is no greater sign to showing your commitment to your purpose and passion than taking action.

Don’t delay, the registration deadline is November 6th. These two days will change your life. Thursday & Friday, Nov 12 & 13 will be dates you’ll never forget.

I also want to reiterate this workshop is not for everyone. If you are seriously struggling I do not want you to sped your last dollars to be here. This workshop is for serious business minded people who are ready to step up and claim their divine power and share their gifts with the world and make a BIG difference in their life and business.

This is not for people who make excuses or who are afraid to take risks, this is for the serious heart-centered entrepreneur only – the person who is willing and able to make the changes to achieve the level of success they desire.

You can register and reserve your spot here today at

If you need help making a decision, let me know. I’m here to serve you and I will let you know if this is not the right thing for you.

Live Consciously & Market Authentically,

Andrea Costantine

Who Says Business Can’t Be FUN?!

I’m writing because I want to introduce you to someone who has helped me really over the past year, she’s one of the reasons I’ve made such huge leaps in such a short time.

Her name is Alexi Sebasttien and she’s my Life Purpose Business coach. Before I met Alexi, I was really struggling, confused, and running in circles. After working with Alexi, I now am clear about my message and understand what I bring to the table so I can authentically share my message with the world.

In today’s economy where everyone seems to be looking for a “better way” to do business… one that resonates with their soul instead of toiling away in corporate slide24America or struggling to grow their business the “old school” way to no avail… (How many times can you really go to the same networking events, seeing the same people and getting the same results?) There IS an answer. You just have to know where to look!

I’m excited to share with you that Alexi released a *F*R*E*E* video tutorial series this week where she has revealed some of the secrets she shares only with her private coaching clients and students on how they can Magnetize More Money and Ideal Clients Regardless of the Economy.

One hint: The secret isn’t so much just in the strategies Alexi will be sharing in her videos — it’s actually in YOU! (Again, you just have to know where to look!) These videos will not be available to the public. They will only be available to a select list of individuals who are truly ready to transform their businesses! If you’re reading this right now and are ready for a change from “the same old same old” in your business (and in your life!) be sure to get your complimentary copy of Alexi’s video tutorials by clicking on the link below:

I want to be sure you know that Alexi is an incredible coach, she knows how to bring out the best in people so they can truly shine their light out into the world. If you do nothing else today, sign up for Alexi’s course – it’s FREE so why wouldn’t you?

Why this “factor” will change your business instantly

Do you know the difference between struggling as an entrepreneur and spiritually thriving in your business?

 It’s the “Conscious Entrepreneur Attraction Factor” the proven forumla that I’ll be revealing to you next Tuesday September 29th. It’s guauranteed to help serviced based entrepreneurs skyrocket their business and it’s the exact piece that has been missing from so many programs, products, and services.

In this FREE one hour call you’ll discover:

* The #1 secret to synchronicity, getting paying clients, and living soulfully

* Why “Faking It Until You Make It” may be killing your business.

* The most critical thing you can do to ensure your success.

* Why modeling “millionaire” entrepreneurs could be a dangerous path

* And how authenticity, alignment, and belief can immediately change the results you are getting.

Reserve your spot in this powerful call that will transform your business.

All you have to do is visit and register today!

I’ll also be giving away something VERY incredible to a live participant on the call, so be sure to be there LIVE so you don’t miss out!

P.S. This is a preview call to my upcoming workshop the “Soulful Marketing Experience” on November 12 & 13

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Four Reasons Why Attending Live Events is Instrumental to Your Success as an Entrepreneur

If you’ve been following me for any length of time you know that I have routinely invested in myself and have attended live events. While it’s a big leap of faith for many, they are one of the most instrumental pieces to incorporate into your business growth.

As I put together the pieces of the November workshop I have to ask myself “Why is it important for people to come?” “What benefit will they receive?” I know that I’ll be providing incredible life-changing value but that’s almost second to what really happens at live events.

Here are some incredible reasons I have discovered due to my own experience:

slide261. Meet like-minded individuals – Whenever you attend a live event that really speaks to your soul, you’ll be sure to find some incredible like-minded people there. During the few days in Miami last November I ran into some incredible people. Those people have now become a part of my support system, they are my mastermind partners, some are now clients of mine, and most importantly they are new friends with whom a bond was forever made.

2. Networking opportunities – I was lucky to meet Cathy Oswald on the shuttle ride to the airport last September, she’s not only a supportive friend and colleague now but she’s also a client. I have seen that the networking that happens at these events, where you are with the same people over multiple days, something magic transpires. The wonderful Jennifer Bourne is the one who revamped my ezine, we met at the event I attended in November. I also know of many others who have also exchanged business after meeting at these live events. The investment almost always pay for itself in the networking opportunities. Additionally, I even discovered my personal mentor at a live event, Alex Sebasttien who has been completely instrumental in my success over the past nine months.

3. Immerse yourself in the information – You get a chance to completely get out of your element and really immerse yourself in what is being taught. It is a time to focudreamstimefree_5682326s solely on you, your goals, and what you need. There is no better way to learn that to pluck yourself out of your environment and separate yourself for a few days.

4. It sparks inspiration – I know the workshop that I attended last November was what spun off my “I Say Yes to the Universe” campaign. I had this overwhelming feeling that I just needed to be there. I woke up one morning before the event and said “I’ve got to figure out a way to attend this event. – I am supposed to be there.” And I am forever grateful that I did attend. The “yes” campaign really helped me step into my purpose and onto my path.

Whatever initial reasons you use to decide to attend an event, there is almost always something more that happens that you could never plan for or expect. I encourage you to invest in yourself and your business and attend live events whenever possible.

I look forward to serving many of you at the Soulful Marketing Experience in November where relationships will develop, inspiration will transpire, friendships will be formed, and most importantly you will get discover what you need to take your business to the next level.

To find out more and reserve your spot today visit

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